Carole Lynne's Books
Learn about Carole Lynne's Books and how each one can help you. Order a copy from Amazon.
Evaluate and Understand Your Psychic Experiences
This is a must-have book for anyone having psychic or mediumistic experiences (and probably thinks they are going crazy). This book will help evaluate your experiences, should you suspect that you are psychic and/or mediumistic, and explain what makes a psychic experience authentic. You will also learn from this book how to either turn off the messages that come to you or at least stop the frequency. If you want to develop your spiritual gifts, this book will guide you in finding teachers who can help you. This book is an easy read and extremely insightful.
Progress on the Spiritual Path
As you read about Carole Lynne's out-of-body experiences, lucid dreams, visions, and messages from other realms, you may see yourself in her story. If you are skeptical, you may be inspired to go beyond your comfort zone as you explore your spirituality.
Exercise and Strengthen Your Intuition
Lifting weights strengthens your muscles; exercising your intuition will make it stronger. No one can make better decisions for your life than you if you can learn to tune into your inner wisdom. In Consult Your Inner Psychic, you will learn to use a process called “The Intuitive Guidance Process.” Carole Lynne was inspired as she wrote the book and CD that changed her life. She has helped many of her students change their lives.
As Carole Lynne used "The Intuitive Guidance Process" in her own life, all areas of her life improved. Bob Olson from wrote, “I never considered myself very intuitive until I learned this process. Perhaps it is the accompanying CD that helps me to tune my mind for optimal intuitive vibration.”
Receive the Kind of Reading You Really Need
Carole Lynne wrote this book because she realized there was a great need for a small and simple guide that would help the general public understand what readings are about. She realized that many people were making appointments for psychic readings when they really wanted mediumistic readings and vice versa.
With this book, you will understand the difference between psychic, mediumistic, and astrological reading while learning what to expect from each. To know what you should expect from a professional reader, order this book. Many people make appointments for readings without understanding what kind of reading they are requesting. This book is a “must-have” for those who are confused about readings.
ABC World Wide News interviewed Carole Lynne about this book due to the valuable information it has for consumers.
Offer Yourself and Others the Gift of Healing
Thoughts are things that shape our lives. When you have a thought, the energy from it is like an arrow that is projected out into the universe that picks up energy and brings it back to you with the same vibration. Fill your thoughts with positive vibrations, and your life will improve instantly.
As you work with the Heart and Sound book of affirmations and prayers and the CD of inspirational chants, you will be inspired and empowered to improve your life. Group leaders will enjoy using this product with their class or circle.
“When I wrote this book and composed the chants for the CD, I felt as if the words and music came from beyond. It was a very spiritual experience for me. My clients who work with the Heart and Sound book and CD tell me that they are inspired and uplifted.”
- Carole Lynne
Email Carole Lynne for more information.